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16 January, 2024

Dreams Come True: AKL Team fulfills a child's wish with the Make a Wish Greece organization

image of a room that AKL donated to the child

“I wish I had my own beautiful office space!”, this is what E. had been dreaming of. A beautiful office and relaxation space, where she would spend beautiful moments. This was what she was missing the most from the daily routine she was currently experiencing, with no school, no walks, and limited contact with friends.

The idea was handed out to the whole of AKL team, which was eager to brainstorm and come up with ideas that would make E.’s room her happy place. The Make-A-Wish Greece "fairy" was then in charge of gathering these ideas, discussing with E. and examining different suggestions and alternatives of what would be a perfect office space! They finally came up with what E. had in mind! The room was prepared immediately and the result left E. speechless, bringing her joy and giving her strength to continue her fight.

Kudos to Make a Wish Greece for their admirable work!

Don’t forget, you can help Make A Wish Greece and grant more children's wishes by donating to


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