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30 May, 2024

AKL Participates in "Lawyers at Work" by ELSA Athens!

students of law at AKL offices

Yesterday was an inspiring day at AKL as we hosted talented young law students in our offices, thanks to ELSA Athens and its “Lawyers at Work” gprogram. We had the pleasure of engaging with approximately twenty students, ranging from 1st to 5th year of law school.

These aspiring future lawyers had the opportunity to ginteract with our partners, associates, and trainees, gaining insights into AKL's work, ethics, values, and daily operations. For us, it was a chance to reflect on our own career journeys and to reconnect with the questions faced by today's law students, such as:

-What are the challenges for a young law student?

-Is there a standard career path?

-Which field of law should I pursue and why?

-What are AKL's criteria for hiring young lawyers?

In line with our commitment to positive community impact and our CSR goals, we also welcomed Ms. Mari Evgenidou-Loi, Chairman and Founder of Choose Life. This organization works to increase the Bone Marrow Donor base, fund research for new treatments, and support leukemia patients. Through this collaboration, we raised awareness and encouraged students to participate in bone marrow compatibility testing.

A heartfelt thank you to ELSA Athens for organizing this event and for their efforts in bridging the gap between law school and the job market. We look forward to future opportunities to inspire and support the next generation of legal professionals.



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